
Carrot prevents stoke! Read 10 beautiful health benefits of carrot juice

Carrots are one of the healthiest root vegetables that there is and they come with a whole host of health benefits. Carrot juice is a fantastic, healthy and nutritious drink that provides you with a lot of vitamins and is also useful for detoxing the blood and liver and, yes, they are really good for the eyes too! Here are ten of the amazing health benefits of carrot juice that you need to know about:
1. Carrot juice detoxes the liver
Your liver is the filtration device in your body and, like all filters, it needs a clean from time to time. Carrot juice is a great source of Vitamin A, which acts as a cleansing agent for the liver, removing excess fat, toxins and other harmful compounds.
2. It is good for the eyesight
Better eyesight is another one of wonderful health benefits of carrot juice. The reputation for carrots helping you see in the dark is more than just an old wives tale. The Vitamin A in carrots actually does strengthen your eyesight, it can help to prevent macular degeneration as well.
3. Carrots are a good source of Vitamin C
A large glass of carrot juice will provide you with over 30% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin C, which boosts your immune system and also helps with the production of collagen in the skin.
4. It regulates blood sugar levels
Another one of the important health benefits of carrot juice is that drinking it can help normalize blood sugar levels. Carrot juice is a good source of potassium which helps to regulate the


Orange Carrot Drink- How to prepare


Oranges - 3
Carrots -2
Honey to taste (optional)


Wash and peel the carrots. Chop it into cubes, add 1/4 cup of water and blend it in a mixie to a smooth paste. Strain using a muslin or a cheese cloth. Squeeze it to extract as much juice as possible. Keep it

Bad Foods That Can Make You Lose Weight

Just about any "bad" food can be part of your weight loss plan if you stick to small enough portions ( Small portions oo). See which tempting treats can actually help you lose weight and keep it off. See below..

Grandnut Stew- How to prepare


  • 3 lbs broiler-fryer chickens, cut up
  • 3 tablespoons cooking oil
  • 1 lb beef stew meat, cut into 1 inch pieces
  • 2 medium onions, chopped
  • 1 medium green pepper, chopped
  • 1 (28 ounce) can tomatoes, cut up
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 -2 teaspoon ground red pepper
  • 3/4 cup peanut butter
  • mashed sweet potatoes or hot cooked rice
Method of preparation

8 Energy Boosting Foods

Missed me? well I am back and as you can see there are changes on the blog, which means it is bigger and better. There are a lot in the goody bag, more food recipes, weight loss tips, healthy living and much more. So lets see the top 8 energy boosting foods.

If you’re eating carbs, add some protein. When added to carbs, protein slows digestion further, for more sustained energy. Greek yogurt in particular is packed with protein, boasting 15 to 20 grams per 6-ounce serving—about the same as in 2 to 3 ounces of lean meat. Traditional yogurt typically provides about 5 grams of protein. Either way, it’s a great breakfast, especially when combined with granola. Just make sure to choose a variety with less added sugar.


Ever wonder why peanut butter sandwiches were Mom’s go-to lunch for you? Nuts are an excellent source of protein, fiber, and nutrients. A tablespoon of peanut butter on whole


Ofe Nsala (white soup)- How to prepare

So today I tried Ofe Nsala and it was so delicious that everybody keep asking for more, So I decided to share.

-1½kg Chicken or goat meat( I used chicken)
- 1 large stock fish head
- Dried Fish
- 1 medium slice Yam
- 2 tablespoons Crayfish (ground)
- 1 teaspoon Ehuru
- ½ teaspoon Uziza seeds (ground)
- 1 tablespoon Dry pepper (ground)

- Ogiri
- Utazi and Uziza leaves
- 2 Maggi cubes
- 1 litre Water
- Salt To taste

Method of preparation

Dietary/Nutiritional management of Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever patients has digestive tract problem like vomiting and diarrhea. But, by a good food management and diet will help speed up the healing process.

 Foods that  are recommended for patient.
  1. The consumption of lots of juice, soup, watery food  lots of mineral water (> 2.5 l)
  2. Consumption of milk or its products
  3. Foods with high biological value protein such as eggs, meat paste, fish, poultry, cheese, etc.
  4. Refined foods with high sugar content such as: honey, jam, candy / sugar, jelly, grass jelly, and fro, nata de coco, seaweed etc.
  5. Low-fiber foods, ripe fruit, potatoes, etc. in order to decrease intestinal motility
  6. Vegetables with a fine fiber / soluble dietary fiber: spinach, squash, turnips, squash / squash, bitter melon, eggplant, carrots.
Foods that a patient should avoid.

Cashew Milk- How to prepare

Cashews are nutrient-dense, fiber-loaded, rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants, and are amazing sources of magnesium and copper—important for bone health, skin and hair health, and general energy and beauty.

Cashew milk is creamy and refreshing, nutritious and easy to make. You shouldn't need to strain the mixture after blending if you have a decent blender. That means less hassle and less waste!
  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 4 cups water (divided)
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey or agave nectar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • dash sea salt
  • pinch cinnamon (optional)
Method of preparation

Six foods that can make you feel anxious

ANXIETY can make you feel as if you’re walking a tightrope every day.

Symptoms such as hot flushes and chronic worrying are red alerts that your body and brain are stuck in fight or flight mode.But how did you get there? We often blame our jobs or family life, but what’s on our plate can also turn up the tension.

 To reclaim that inner calm, cut your intake of these anxiety-boosting foods.

If you live from one hit to the next, those long blacks, cups of tea or slugs of energy drink could be taking their toll on your temperament. “Side effects of caffeine intake can include shakiness, heart palpitations, difficulty sleeping and anxiety,” Jared Brown, a poisons specialist from the NSW Poisons Information Centre, says. If you tend towards caffeine sensitivity (which you may have without knowing it), even one cup of coffee or tea can put you on edge.
Try this instead:
- Drink more water, and decaffeinated tea and coffee, and ask the barista for only a single shot in your long black.
- Avoid energy drinks. Some have the equivalent of five cups of coffee in one can.



How to Make Whipped Cream from Scratch in 15 Minutes;

Whipped cream makes a great treat for everything from ice cream to fruit, and if you stay away from the store bought variety, it actually is pretty healthy. Here is how to make it yourself in between five to ten minutes.

1 pint/2 cups/16 ounces of heavy whipping cream
4 tablespoons/1/4 cup of organic powdered sugar or cane sugar
Tools Needed
Large metal mixing bowl, chilled
Wire whisk, chilled

Chill your bowl and whisk in the freezer for at least 20 minutes. Pour the cream into the cold bowl and immediately start whipping it briskly with the whisk. Do this continuously for several minutes. Once the cream has doubled in thickness, stop and stir in the sugar. Whip it for another minute and taste. If it's not sweet enough, add more sugar.
- See more at: http://adenikematt.blogspot.no/2014/01/how-to-make-whipped-cream-from-scratch.html#sthash.hjF1wYOM.dpuf

Whipped cream makes a great treat for everything from ice cream to fruit, and if you stay away from the store bought variety, it is healthy. Here is how to make it yourself in between five to ten minutes.

1 pint/2 cups/16 ounces of heavy whipping cream
4 tablespoons/1/4 cup of organic powdered sugar or cane sugar
Tools Needed
Large metal mixing bowl, chilled
Wire whisk, chilled




Yamarita | Dun Dun Oniyeri (Egg Coated Yam fries)

Yamarita ,also known as Dun Dun Oniyeri, is simply thinly sliced Par-boiled/blanched yams dipped into whisked egg+flour& fried until crispy.
   The difference between Yamarita and the common fried yams (dun dun) is the egg and flour mix, which takes this easy meal to another level.

It is so easy to prepare, that you can make it as a snack or quick meal.
 * 1 small Yam tuber(the size depends on the number of people you're serving)
 * 2 eggs
* 3 tablespoonful plain Flour

* 1 bouillon/stock cube/seasoning cube (crushed)(optional)
* Vegetable oil for frying the yams

* Ground pepper to taste 
*  Salt to taste  

Here's how to prepare the Yamarita sauce . You can choose to add canned sardines, fresh fish or ground beef/chicken.