

Now what comes to your mind would be "fever?" Yes fever and instead of filling yourself with cocktail of drugs, eat healthy and save yourself the normal side effect of drugs. In my research of how you can  manage fever with the right diet I got these tips so read and thank me later..lol

Fever is a common symptom which is associated with a host of infectious and chronic conditions. Fever is a natural response of the body, to destroy virus or pathogens in the blood, by raising the body’s natural metabolic rate. There are various dietary measures that have been suggested to improve and hasten recovery after a fever. Though the dietary modalities will differ depending upon the cause of the fever, however there are certain basic guidelines that have been found to be highly beneficial.

Diet for Common Fever

There are certain simple dietary recommendations that can help hasten the recovery from fever. Eating right and getting enough rest is essential when trying to avoid illnesses and this includes the prevention of fevers.
  • To begin with the patient should be put on a juice and water diet for a couople of days. A glassful of orange juice every three hours is considered beneficial for health. Orange juice is a great source of energy and is also loaded with Vitamin C which helps enhance immunity and natural ability of the body to fight infection.
  • Following the juice diet, an all fruit diet is recommended. Fruits are easier to digest and loaded with essential vitamins and minerals which hasten the process of recovery.
  • Fresh fruits including grapes, apple, oranges, peach, pinapple, lemons, etc should be included in the diet. Fresh fruit juices are also recommended. Avoid tinned or canned fruit juices as they are loaded with preservatives and can delay the recovery process.  .
  • Always ensure that you consume about three liters of water each day, especially during fever. Water helps flush the toxins out of the body system and hastens recovery.

    • Once the fever subsidizes,  opt for a soft diet. A soft diet may comprise of boiled eggs, steamed vegetables vegetable soups, porridge and yoghurt. These foods are easier to digest and supply with loads of energy which is essential to hasten the recovery process.
    • Rice porridge with ginger and made with vegetable broth is good to have when you have a fever. This diet is easy to digest. Further ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties which are beneficial in resolving the fever at the earliest.
    • There are certain foods that need to be avoided during fever. Some of the foods for fever that you might want to avoid when you are down with a fever include fried foods, raw foods, chicken, and fast foods or junk foods. These foods are difficult to digest and also they may be associated with excessive strain on the already poor gastro-intestinal system
    A healthy lifestyle practice is considered to be beneficial in reducing the incidence of fevers. Increase the intake of water, green vegetables, fresh fruits and low fat dairy products. These foods are loaded with essential vitamins and enhance the overall immunity of the body. These dietary measures can help improve the body’s natural immune system and can also help in preventing the occurrence of infections.

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